woensdag 23 mei 2012

19-05-2012. `Draon Backpiece` (Black&Grey)

Finally nearly done! Did a lot of Black&Grey Shading in two hours. Not a good day for my brother in law and myself,both didn´t had any energy! Thanx Bram!

#112. 12-05-2012. `Foo Dog` (cover up)

Before (stencil)
I love this shit! I´m glad that my mate from work has the same taste of tattoos! Thanx Roy!


After two and a half hours

#111. 11-05-2012. `Lotus Flowers with Butterfly`

Dit is `Hardcore`! In de knieholte! Ondanks dat je kapot ging vd pijn,zijn we erg ver gekomen. Goed bedaan Aartje!
This is `Hardcore`! In the back of the knee! Even though you were in terrible pain,we did a lot of work! Well done Aartje!

#110, 10-05-2012. `Love is a Battlefield` (lines)

Thanx my baby mother!

#109. 06-05-2012. Female skull (cover ups)

Please be carefull with tattoos! Especially with names! Don´t be as stupid as this girl,to put it on your hand or lower arm!
Bedenk goed voor je getatoeerd word! En zeker met namen! Wees niet zo dom,zoals dit meisje, om op je hand of onderarm zoiets te zetten!

woensdag 9 mei 2012

#108. 05-05-2012. "Inca/Mayan Eagle and latin text"

All hail to my nephew: four hours of contant tatooing on shoulder,chest and upperarm! Respect Maarten!
Also special thanx to my wife for the design of the tattoo!

#107. 05-05-2012. "Butterfly"(Free Hand)

Thanks Femke,it was a long time ago!
Again,a painfull placement for a tattoo

#106. 04-05-2012. "Shading Clowds and cherry blossom "(Dragon Backpiece)

Nice working with you again Bram! This time we made more progress than with the flower on the other side!? ;-)
Also a psinful place for a tattoo, you have a lot of nerves,but also the kidney's are beneath there...

#105. 05-05-2012. "Viking Bullet with Bat Wings"

Very sensitive place for a tattoo! Skin here is very thin!
Thanks Love!

#104. 01-05-2012. "Heart on hand"

Crazy niece of mine! XD

#103. 30-04-2012. "Tiger Black&Grey and White"