maandag 6 mei 2013

192. 04-05-2013. "Blue Dragon" (upperarm)

Four hours of hard work, but really happy with the result! Darker skin,but bright colours! Thanx Oyven!!

03-05-2013. Clolouring "Rajin" and shading sleeve

Lots of work done, still at least one session. Thanx Danny


191. 28-04-2013."cover up "Maori Turle" (lowe back)

Leaving his past behind, the turle stands for conquering his past. Thanx Stefan!

27-04-2013. Almost finishing "Japanese Black&Grey Sleeve"

Within six days ,you were again in the chair! Lots of fun and almost done! One more session,Thanx Nick!!!

26-04-2013. Colouring and shading "maori" (upperarm)

Thanx Ronald

24-04-2013. Finally finishing "Dragon red/black" (upperarm)

Thanx for your patience and support Jeroentje!!!

190. 21-04-2013. shading japanese Black & Grey Sleeve & freehand "scroll" (lowerarm/inside upperarm)

Everytime I work in this project, I become more and more proud and happy! Thanx again Nick!

#189. 20-04-2013. "Red Koi strungglingwith boy &Fan " (lower arm)

Despite his dark skin, the colours did there work,even yellow! Thanx Oyven!

14-04-2013. colouring "maori" (upperarm)

Thanx Ruud, one more time

188. "Property of Master & handcuffs" (ass)

187. 07-04-2013. "Dog face in footprint" (calf)

Really cool piece! I'm really proud of the result! Thamx Mirjam!

186. 05-04-2013. "Warrior & Lotus" Black and Grey (upperarm)

Thanx Nick, I'm really proud of my work!

185. 01-04-2013. "Viking in clouds" Lining (upperleg)

Lots of little lines,but really happy with result. <3

184. 31-03-2013. "Lotus"Black and Grey Cover-up (ankle)

really proud of this cover up! Thanx Maaike for this one!

183. 31-03-2013. "Stars" (side/ribs)

Painfull place, but for your first tattoo you didn't care! Thamx Rosalie!

182. 30-03-2013. "Maori" (upperarm)

Own design ,Offcourse work in progrers. Thamx Ronald

#181. 29-03-2013. "Samoerai Mask" (upperarm)

Had a lot off fun. I really like to do Japanese pieces! Thanx Buurman!